Shrewsbury Morris do a Woore Dance…

In our penultimate dance out of the year, we made our various ways on Thursday to Woore Victory Hall, on the Shopshire/Cheshire/Staffordshire borders.

We were dancing for Woore WI – which means that we were doing our ‘show’ – an hour long showcase that features a number of our favourite dances, along with some singing and explanations of Morris in general and our own dances in particular. The Roving Mic often makes an appearance too, as we interview both members of the team and of the audience!


Nice to be inside and dancing on a decent floor (much more forgiving on the feet) and just look at the height our chaps can get while dancing Shrewsbury Gallop!


Normally we love a WI, as we are renowned as a cake loving side, but sadly this time we were out of luck as they’d eaten all the cake before we got there! But we had a good time anyway…
