It had been a long time since Shrewsbury Morris Dancers had danced for The Shrewsbury Flower Show but the years were rolled (or should that be danced?) back on the 13th August, 2022 as the team, many of whom had been in that previous Morris incarnation, took their place in Quarry Park, just across the river from the Pengwern Rowing Clubhouse (a former training venue for the team).

On yet another hottest day of the century, Shrewsbury Lasses, Shrewsbury Bull and Pump Morris Men and Shrewsbury Clog danced their way through two 45 minute spots in front of enthusiastic and appreciative audiences, interspersed with copious water swigging, liberal applications of sun cream and much towelling down!

A large part of the team repertoire was danced, giving the crowd a good and interesting example of what we can do. A great deal of interest was generated and many very positive comments were heard. All in all a super day, a fabulous effort by all team members in very hot circumstances and, most importantly, a sense of humour was maintained by everyone.
Now, where did I put that sunburn treatment?…….